Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology
Ece ŞEN, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology
Deniz AKSOY, Ph.D., Teaching Assistant
Molecular identification of water and food borne pathogens
Emerging spirochetes from environmental and zoonotic sources
Determinants of pathogenesis of Salmonella sp. bacteria and current molecular methods for determination of virulence
Assesment of carcinogenic materials in water sources and other substances by using biosensors and bacteriological Ames test
Assesment of emerging water and food borne pathogens , their isolation and genotyping
Utilization of new indicators of microbial water pollution
Isolation of tick and field mice borne bacterial pathogens, their molecular typing and genotyping (Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia turcica, Leptospira sp.)
Biological control and effects of new insecticides
Molecular determination of bacteria-cancer relationships
Antibiotic resistance mechanisms of Salmonella sp.
Antibiotic resistance profiles of food borne Salmonella sp.
Bioinsecticides and new methods in bioinsecticide production
Assesment of insecticide resistance against Bacillus thuringiensis and bacterial insecticides by using bioassays and molecular genetics methods
Borrelia turcica sp.novo (researchers: E.Şen et al.)
Salmonella enteritidis Typhimurium (researchers :E.Şen , D.Aksoy, H.Soylu, G.Kazar)
Polymerase chain reaction (gradient and real time PCR)
Agarose gel electrophoresis
Molecular probes , primer design
DNA/RNA transfer-Blotting techniques
Plasmid analysis
Genotyping, ribotyping
Southern blotting
Northern blotting
Gene cloning
Cell cultures
Biological assays (Animal assays)(Balb/c mice, field mice)
Biyosensors and Ames mutagenesis test
Gradient PCR
Real Time PCR
Molecular and enzyme based methods for determination of apoptosis
TALI visual cell cytometry
(Hyalomma sp. ;Molecular identification of tick borne pathogens found in our country ) (Researchers: E.Şen, H.Soylu)
Determination of tick species and their distribution sampled in Edirne and surroundings
Isolation and genotyping of tick and mice borne pathogens from Edirne and surroundings
Isolation and molecular determination of virulence of food and water borne pathogens in our area
Molecular investigation of bacteria-cancer relationships
Biological control of ticks and determination of effects of non-toxic novel insecticides on ticks and their hosts
Development of new molecular methods for identification of pathogen Salmonella sp.
Assesment of efficiency of newly introduced indicator microorganisms of water pollution
Investigation of water sources by using bacteriological and mutagenic tests and determination of emerging pathogens in our area
Teaching students of our department and students from health-related fields the molecular microbiology techniques and new microbiological methods
Teaching our students to design new biotechnological products such as new diagnostic kits, DNA chips, new microbial insecticides by using the methods of molecular genetics and microbiiology