
Section of Hydrobiology was established within the Department of Biology at Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1991. In 2010, for the Faculty has been divided into as Arts and Sciences, it has gone activities as the Faculty of Sciences. The head of department was Professor Dr.Timur KIRGIZ since its inception. Since April 2012, Professor Dr. Belgin ELIPEK has carried out the head of department of Hydrobiology.

Today, there are 2 Professors (Prof.Dr. Belgin ELİPEK, Prof.Dr. Hüseyin GÜHER), 2 Associated Professors (Ass.Prof.Dr. Utku GÜNER, Ass.Prof.Dr. Burak ÖTERLER) and 1 research assistant (PhD Gazel Burcu AYDIN) have been carried out the limnological studies in department of Hydrobiology. Also, a total of 25 MsC and 9 PhD students graduated until now. Nowadays, in the department, a total of 6 students have proceeded their education and studies.

There are 1 Experimental Laboratory, 1 Aquarium Test Room, 1 student experimental laboratory, and 1 plankton culture laboratory within scope of our department.

The educational staffs study on taxonomical studies about phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos and nekton, the other studies on physicochemical and microbiological properties and toxicology of inland waters have been done in our department. In Turkey, especially in Trakya Region (Turkish Thrace), important scientific contributions are provided by these studies in both country wide and global wide. Up to now, three new species were submitted to scientific world by instructors of this department.

Furthermore, instructors of our department have connections with the other scientists at abroad or in other institutes of Turkey. Therefore, this department can present to various topics for grad-students.


 Instructors of Department of Hydrobiology:

Prof.Dr. Belgin ELIPEK (The Head of Department of Hydrobiology)

She has worked at this department since 1994. Related topics are the benthic macroinvertebrates, water quality of inland waters and the relationships between each other. Also, she is a head of Trakya University Environmental Problems Application and Research Center.


Prof.Dr. Hüseyin GÜHER

He has worked at this department since 1986. He has got studies on zooplanktonic organims of inland waters and their relations with enviromental factors. Also, he is a head of Trakya University Aquaculture Research and Application Center


Associated Prof. Utku GÜNER

He has worked at this department since 1998. He studies nektons living in inland water and impacts of toxic substances on them. He is a staff of biology departmant at Trakya University test animals section.


Associated Prof. Burak ÖTERLER

He has worked at this department since 2000. Related topics are the phytoplanktonic organisms of inland waters, aquatic toxicology and relationships between phytoplanktonic organims and enviromental factors. He is a vice-head of Trakya University Aquaculture Research and Application Center.


Research Asistant PhD. Gazel Burcu AYDIN

She has worked at this department since 2011 within scope of OYP programme. She works on benthic macroinvertebrates and their ecological relations.


Field  Studies:

For using at field studies, the department of Hydrobiology has got one fiberglass boat, secchi disc, hand crane, thermometers, pH meter, oxygen meter, conductivity meter, multiparameter for the field studies, Ekman grab, Nansen water sampler, Ruttner water samplers, horizontal and vertical closing net plankton diggers, hand-mud diggers, hand-plankton diggers, taboret diggers, nets, fyke nets, and sieve series.


Hydrobiology Research Laboratory:

In this laboratory, there are museum materials belonging to provided from scientific works. Additionally, some physicochemical analyses can be done (dissolved oxygen, calcium, magnesium, total severity, chloride, salinity, BOD, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, chlorophyl a, suspend soil material, carbonate, bicarbonate, H2S, etc.) at this research laboratory. Besides vacuum pumping, climate cabinet, deepfreeze, refrigerator, weighing device, microscope and binoculars, there are 1 inverted microscope using in specific diagnoses, drawing device and counting camera in this laboratory. Also, our graduate students can use computer, internet and library servers for their studies and literatures.

Hydrobiology Aquarium Experimental Laboratory:

There are a total of 16 aquariums in this laboratory. It can be performed experimental studies in the aquariums. Furthermore aquatic organism’s growing can be followed and can be done experimental studies on the effects of toxic matters on aquatic organisms.

Hydrobiology Student Laboratory:

In this practice laboratory are done practical studies for the students by 1 educational staff and 1 research assistant during one day in every week. In this laboratory, it has been aimed to give information to students practically on drinking and using water, to evaluate quality of inland water. Also, the material belonging to aquatic plants and animals examined in the laboratory. Students can also find suitable work area for their studies.

Plankton Culture Laboratory:

In this chamber, there is a suitable environment is provided for especially experimental and sensitive studies.

Instructors Rooms:

In these rooms instructors give consultancy services to students and carry out drawing phase of their studies. Also, there are internet connected computers and printers. Students can use these materials whenever need.


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